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Knowing the Desirous Will of God – The Renewed Mind

As a result of the washing of regeneration and renewing from the Holy Spirit, we now possess a new mind. This renewed mind relates to the Spirit, not fleshly and earthly things; therefore, with this mind we are able to discern Spiritual things because we have a quality of the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:14-16). We are instructed in Romans 12 to stop outwardly conforming to this age. Paul is referring to the legal age and those who are putting on a mask of living under law. We live out from faith through grace, not through law, for law is not out from faith.

And stop being outwardly conformed to this age, but to be transformed by your renewed mind, for the purpose to test for approval what is the desirous will of God, the good and well pleasing and mature. – Romans 12:2

Renewing here is not a verb, therefore it is not an act of renewing, but a noun describing the mind. We now possess a renewed mind that, when used, will transform us in a way that enables us to put to the test any situation and identify what is acceptable for us to do according to God’s desirous will for us in all circumstances we face throughout our day.

Since we have a renewed mind, this week let us focus on using it. Starting each morning with setting our mind on the things above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. These things involve who we are in Christ. Not by seeking to fulfill a set of rules that tell us what not to do, but rather by doing things that show who we are in Christ. Our […]

Knowing the Desirous Will of God – The Renewed Mind2023-11-25T07:55:26-08:00

Not Adopted, Real Children Placed as Sons

having marked off our bounds to the placement of sons (υἱοθεσία) through Jesus Christ unto Himself according to the good pleasure of His desirous will – Ephesians 1:5.

Did you know that the Greek words for “adoption” never occur in Scripture? “ἄμφανσις”, which means, “adoption” and “ἐκποίητος”, which is “to give in adoption” are not used in Scripture because we are not adopted into God’s family; rather, we become legitimate children of God.

Beloved now we are the children (born ones) of God… 1 John 3:2. His seed has been placed into us (1 John 3:9) and we are now born again, not from a corruptible seed (1 Peter 1:23).

In Ephesians 1:5, Paul is not writing about adoption, but about son placement. This is a concept in the Roman culture concerning when a child is no longer under governors and tutors (Galatians 4:1). When the father determines the child is trained properly, the child would be placed as a son, into a place of privilege where the child (inarticulate babbler) is no longer under governors and tutors (Galatians 4:2). When it comes to humans and God, those who are inarticulate babblers are under law, but those who are sons live out from faith.

When I was an inarticulate babbler (child), I spoke as an inarticulate babbler (child), I framed the mind as an inarticulate babbler (child), I reasoned as an inarticulate babbler (child). When I became a man, I rendered ineffective the things of the inarticulate babbler (child), 1 Corinthians 13:11.

As children (born ones) of God, let us walk in the light (Ephesians 5:8). As sons, let us exercise our senses to know what is proper and what is wrong in our conduct (Hebrews 5:14) and live out […]

Not Adopted, Real Children Placed as Sons2023-12-14T08:23:40-08:00

Sealed by God

Do you know as a Christian God has put His mark on you? When we believe that Christ died for our sins, was buried, and rose again on the third day, all according to the Scriptures, the Holy Spirit seals us with God’s mark. This means all spirit beings know that we belong to God.

in Whom also you, after hearing the word of the truth, the gospel of your salvation, in Whom also having believed, you were sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise – Ephesians 1:13.

As part of our salvation, we are sealed until the day of complete redemption. This guarantees we will receive in full what God has promised to us.

and stop grieving the Holy Spirit of God, by Whom you are sealed until a day of full redemption – Ephesians 4:30

As ones who are sealed, we belong to God and therefore Satan cannot touch us. That is right, contrary to what the movies and false religions like the Catholic Church and other false pastors claiming to cast out demons would want us to believe, we cannot be touched by any demon because they know we belong to God.

We intuitively know that everyone born out from God does not habitually sin, but the one born out from God guards himself and the malignantly evil one does not touch him. – 1 John 5:18

Of all the things that this world can throw at us, the reality is we belong to God. Therefore, we really should walk in a worthy manner of God who called us into His Own Kingdom and glory, having our conduct of those who are citizens of the heavens and walk according to the Gospel […]

Sealed by God2023-12-14T08:43:19-08:00

The Sovereignty of God and Election

The Sovereignty of God– PDF Version

In Greek Class on Thursdays – there is room to join online if you cannot make it to the church – we were discussing Romans 9:22. This quick comment is based upon our development of this passage through examining the Greek grammar and words to determine its meaning and proper application.

God elected some to salvation; does He also elect some to condemnation? Why is that God has chosen to harden some, rather than show mercy to them? Can a just God harden a man’s heart and then judge him for rejecting God?

In the book of Romans, Paul discusses the choices that God has when dealing with mankind. Since God is sovereign, He can do as He pleases with men without taking away the responsibility of man to obey His Word[1] or the liability when he does not obey. In chapter nine of Romans, Paul repeats what was stated to Moses, “I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy and I will show compassion to whom I will show compassion”[2]. Whether or not God shows mercy to a person is not dependent upon if a man desires mercy or works for mercy, it is solely based upon God’s choice[3]. He is not obligated to save anyone. When God chose to call the seed of Abraham through Isaac, to show that His choice was not based upon actions of the person, but rather according to His own desires, it was told to Rebecca before the children were even born that the older would serve the younger [4]. This does not mean that man is not responsible for His actions. One cannot […]

The Sovereignty of God and Election2016-10-12T06:02:44-07:00

What is God’s expectations for a Christian?

Christianity is completely different from living under Law. It is a life that is lived by grace through faith. The Gospel of the Christ was given to Paul to pass on to us so that we would know what is involved in our salvation, the possessions that we have, our position before God, and how to live a life that truly glories God.

What is “The Christ”
In 2 Corinthians 5:17 Paul writes, “therefore, since someone is in Christ; a new creation, the old things have passed away, behold, all things have become new.”

Paul is referring to our position before God and this new creation that He made when He created the Church. All those who are in this new creation are apart of the body of The Christ, where Christ Jesus is the head, that the Church is the body.

Baptism is a very important part of the Christian life. When you were saved, you were immersed (baptized) into the body of Christ by the Holy Spirit, 1 Corinthians 12:13 “For by one Spirit we all were immersed into one body, whether Jew or Greek, whether slave or free man, we were all made to drink by one Spirit.” The Holy Spirit placed us into the body of Christ through Spirit baptism.

The body of Christ is a new creation that was made by God on the day of Pentecost – the day the Holy Spirit came to reside upon the earth in believers, Acts 2. Within this new creation, some changes have happened that are important to understand. 2 Corinthian 5:17 “Since someone is in Christ; a new creation, the old things have passed away, behold all things have become new.” Many translation have […]

What is God’s expectations for a Christian?2023-12-14T12:33:01-08:00
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